10th Annual Party in Pink™ Zumbathon® Charity Event!

Join Betsy B for a rockin’ dance fitness party and help raise funds for the fight against breast cancer!

WHEN: Saturday, October 15 at 9AM-10:15AM

WHERE: Creative Co-Op

TICKET INFO: Tickets for this event are $10.

PRE-REGISTER: Pay via Venmo: Betsy-Buccafusca (pink flower avatar) Please write “2022 Party in Pink” where Venmo asks “What’s it for?”


  • Fill out the registration form below OR come to the studio on October 15 at 8:45AM!

  • If you are pre-registering, please send payment to Betsy B on Venmo at Betsy-Buccafusca (pink flower avatar) by 12:00pm on October 14. Please write “2022 Party in Pink” where it Venmo asks “What’s it for?”

  • Wear comfortable clothes you can move in and sneakers that have great support, but not a deep tread

  • Keep water nearby for water breaks

Party in Pink™ Zumbathon® Charity Events benefit The Zumba Global Research Grant For Breast Cancer in partnership with Susan G. Komen®.

Classes taught by a licensed instructor. Zumba® and the Zumba Fitness logo are trademarks of Zumba Fitness, LLC, used under license. www.zumba.com


Every participant must fill out this form before the event.