songwriter spotlight

7 Questions for A 7-Year-Old songwriter


Meet Julia. She is the winner of our first-ever songwriting contest for her song, I Want to Lift Up The Room.

Creative Co-Op: What's the story behind your song, I Want to Lift Up The Room?

Julia: There were 2 genies in a show that I liked. I wanted to tell people about how they were and what they did around their palace. I had some stickers and one day I started writing the song.

Creative Co-Op: What style of music is your favorite?

Julia: Rock music that sounds really cool and has a real rhythm to go with it!

Creative Co-Op: How many songs have you written?

Julia: Ummm... a lot... maybe 29.

Creative Co-Op: When did you start writing songs?

Julia: I wrote a few songs before taking my songwriting class. I made up songs a lot and sang them, but only wrote one down. I wrote my first song when I was 6 1/2.

Creative Co-Op: What the best part of songwriting?

Julia: Getting the ideas of the song and then writing them down so I can find a tune that sounds good to go with it.

Creative Co-Op: Do you think you will be a songwriter forever?

Julia: YES! I definitely think I will.

Creative Co-Op: Mermaids or Unicorns?

Julia: Mermaids. I like the water a lot.

Got a song you want to enter? Our next contest ends on october 15th, click here to enter now!

And If you are interested in our songwriting program, click here to check it out or email us with any questions.